انا جديدة في هذا المنتدى الرااااااااااااااااااااائع
واتمنى لي ولكم الفائدة
انا طالبه جديدة في كلية الطب
واجهت صعوبه في فهم الفيزياء الطبية باللغة الانجليزيه
فأتمنى من لديه القدرة ترجمة النص وشكرااا لكم

When a primary fast moving electron strikes (knocks) an inner bound (K) electron in a target atom and knocks it out of its orbit and free of the atom, the vacancy in the K ****l is filled almost immediately when an electron from an outer ****l (L or M) of the atom falls into it, causing energy levels in the target to change. In this process, a Characteristic K X-ray photon is emitted which have discrete energies

The maximum energy (quality) of x-ray photons produced depends on the accelerating voltage (potential) kilovolt peak (KVp) applied in the tube. The higher the voltage the more efficient x- rays are produced. X-rays are characterized by there energy in keV.

An x-ray tube operating at 80 KVp will produce x-rays with a spectrum of energies up to a maximum of 80 KeV