شركة انجاز لتصميم وتطوير المواقع الإلكترونية

النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: كيف يساهم" نوع "المرايا في عملية الليزر ؟؟

  1. #1
    فيزيائي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    شكر 0 مرات في 0 مشاركات
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    كيف يساهم" نوع "المرايا في عملية الليزر ؟؟

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    والصلاة والسلام على اشرف خلق الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
    اما بعد ...
    اسمحوا لي ان اتقدم بخالص شكري
    للاستاذ الدكتور | حازم سكيك على مجهوده الرائع في طرح المحاضرات المصورة "لفيزياء الليزر" ...
    والى الاخت |ماجستير هندسة ليزر على طرحها المميز في "نظرة لمن يريد معرفة ماهية الليزر"...

    اللذان استفدت منهما القدر الكبير
    وبسطى لي الكثير الكثير من الامور


    ولكني احببت ان اسئل هنا عن كيفية مساهمت" نوع "المرايا في عملية الليزر ؟؟
    مع الشرح المفصل اذا امكن

    وايضا عن استقرارية المرنان وعدمه

    ................................... ...................
    لكم جزيل الشكر وجعله الله في موازين حسناتكم

  2. #2
    فيزيائي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    شكر 0 مرات في 0 مشاركات
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: كيف يساهم" نوع "المرايا في عملية الليزر ؟؟

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    حبت اني القى الاجابة عندكم

    والشكر لكل من مر ع الموضوع

    انشاء الله اذا وصلت للحل راح اضيفة***عشان الكل يستفيد.....ادعولي

  3. #3
    مراقب عام المنتدى ومشرف منتدى ميكانيكا الكم
    Array الصورة الرمزية رجب مصطفى
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    مصــر "مقبرة الغزاه"
    شكر 0 مرات في 0 مشاركات
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    معليش الرد باللغة الإنجليزية !!!

    The Stability Condition

    Since for the optical resonator, we have assumed that radiation within the laser cavity propagates back and forth between plane-parallel mirrors in the form of a well-collimated beam. Because of diffraction effects, a perfectly collimated beam cannot be maintained with mirrors of finite extent and a fraction of the internal cavity radiation spills out around the edges of the mirrors
    In general, the problem of excessive diffraction losses is overcome by curving the mirrors slightly inward toward the cavity; that is, by making them slightly spherical and concave inward. The fig is illustrated a pair of spherical mirrors each positioned with its center of curvature on a common line, the optic axis of the resonator

    The mirrors are separated by a distance L, r1 is the radius of curvature of mirror M1, r2 that of mirror M2. By convention, the radius of curvature of a mirror is taken to be positive if the center of curvature of the mirror lies in the direction of the laser cavity; otherwise r is taken to be negative

    In the figure, both radii are positive by this convention. The ray-tracing technique requires that we consider a ray of light within the cavity, initially very close to the optic axis and inclined at a very small angle with respect to it (such a ray is designated a paraxial ray), and that we observe its behavior as it is reflected bade and forth between the mirrors

    If after a large number of reflections the ray is observed to diverge from the reso¬nator—the distance of the ray from the optic axis is found to grow as the number of reflections becomes large—we conclude that the particular resonator configuration being analyzed is characterized by high losses

    If the ray is found to remain close to the optic axis, we conclude that the resonator has a low-loss configuration. By performing such an analysis for an arbitrary mirror separation L and arbitrary mirror curvatures r1 and r2, one can show that a single condition, called the stability condition, is satisfied by a low-loss resonator configuration

    This condition is generally expressed in terms of two dimensionless quantities, the g-parameters of the resonator, defined by the equations

    With these definitions, the stability condition has the simple form

    As long as this relationship is satisfied by the resonator, a paraxial ray continues to remain close to the optic axis, even after many reflections, and the mirror configuration is termed stable. If, on the other-hand,

    the resonator is described as being unstable, and upon multiple reflections a ray initially paraxial in the cavity diverges from the axis

    In the cases where the product g1g2 equals zero or unity, the laser is on the boundary between stability and instability and is termed marginally stable (شبه مستقر)

    Some important configurations and indicated their stability (الأشكال)

    The most common laser resonator is a nearly planar stable configuration or an equivalent configuration with one long radius-of-curvature mirror and one planar mirror. Such a configuration is relatively easy to align and is also efficient in the amplification process

    Even though a particular resonator configuration is classified as unstable, it may still be quite useful. Indeed, unstable optical resonators have several very attractive features; (1) they can be highly efficient with respect to utilization of the active medium, even with very-short resonators

    Note that the portion of the active medium near the optic axis contributes much to the ampli¬fication of the beam. In contrast, the entire volume of the active medium in an unstable laser resonator can contribute strongly to the amplification process, (2) their suitability for adjustable output coupling. Simply by changing the spacing between the resonator mirrors, one can adjust the output coupling over a wide range of values


    ولقد رماكي المرجفون بفرية تنبيكي عن غدر وحقد دفين
    آذوا رسول الله ماذا بعدها !؟ فليبشروا بالذل والخزي المهين
    فالله كذبهم وأبطل كيدهم هذا جزاء الظالمين المعتدين

    اللهم يا أولُ يا آخرُ يا ظاهرُ يا باطنُ يا ذا الجلالِ والعزة
    انتقم لنا ممن حَرّف كتابك، وكَذّب نبيّك، وطَعن في أزواجه، وسَبّ أصحابه

    نحبُّ صحابة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونتولاهم
    ولا يفرق بينهم أو يبغضهم أو يسبهم إلا كافرٌ أو منافقٌ أو زنديق

    شاهد هذا المقطع المؤثر جداً ... نسأل الله لنا ولكم الهداية

    سنثأر يا ســـورية ... ألا فلا نامت أعين الجبناء !


معلومات الموضوع

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الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)

المواضيع المتشابهه

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